Here's the location for my container garden: a passageway between houses that’s separated from the back yard by a gate. There’s often a breeze here, but the side porch shelters part of the area from the wind. It also creates a small private area behind it.
Behind the porch are a small metal table and two chairs. In the heat of summer, it's the coolest spot. Because we
don’t have air conditioning, it’s a necessary refuge when
everywhere else becomes unbearably hot.
To make it feel even cooler, I want to install a small container water garden.
I always like to keep something dead in the garden, don't you? For visual interest.
This is how I want my container garden to feel:
To make it feel even cooler, I want to install a small container water garden.
The water feature will have to go in this corner if I want to use a pump so the cord can run under the porch to the electrical outlet.
In spite of its considerable charm -- the yard waste bag is a nice touch I think! -- the space could maybe use a little upgrade.I always like to keep something dead in the garden, don't you? For visual interest.
This is how I want my container garden to feel:
- cool
- private
- lush
- exotic
- relaxing
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